The camera module found on all three Samsung Galaxy S20 Series handset’s has increased in size vastly in comparison to that found on predecessor S10 Series. With the flagship Galaxy S20 Ultra having the largest camera ‘bump’ of the three new handsets, it’s certainly been a talking point about how much the module sticks out, […]
Best Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra Cases and Covers
We’ve searched through hundreds of case options to bring you our top selection of Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra cases. Featuring official Samsung, smart notification, tough and slim cases, this line-up is sure to help you track down your perfect Samsung S20 Ultra case.
Best Samsung Galaxy S20 Screen Protectors
If you’re planning on upgrading to the new Galaxy S20 or have already placed your pre-order, screen protection will certainly be on your list of priorities to keep your new handset in pristine condition. With that in mind, we’ve covered the best Samsung Galaxy S20 screen protectors available! 1. Olixar Case Compatible Glass Screen Protector […]
Best Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus Cases
The Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus is set to be one of Samsung’s most successful phones in years thanks to it’s striking design, high-grade cameras, 5G compatibility and impressive display. As such any perspective or current owners will be out to protect their precious device. To help make choosing your perfect Samsung S20 Plus case a […]
Best Samsung Galaxy S20 Accessories
Samsung finally unveiled the Galaxy S20 last week as part of their new S20 Series in San Francisco and so you might be planning on upgrading to the Samsung Galaxy S20 or you may already have placed your pre-order. With the release date imminent, take a look at our recommendations below for the best Samsung […]