Not enough space? Google adds a new way to clear out your Android phone

nexus2cee_psuninstallmanager-329x585Running out of space on your Android phone? Google have added a new feature to the Play Store app to help you out.

When you try to install a new app that is too big, a window will come up offering to uninstall apps that you haven’t used in a while or are particularly massive.

The uninstall manager was first uncovered nine months ago by Android Police, and now it’s finally been set loose. The manager displays how much space each app it recommends removing takes up, as well as the amount of storage space you need to free to install your desired app. Having all of this information in one place is nice; normally you have to memorise the size of the app and its attendant data, then look for an app of a matching size manually, or just keep wiping apps until the gosh darn thing has enough space to install.

The app also links to Settings > Storage, where it recommends you delete media files that you don’t need. If you’re uploading your photos and videos to Google Photos or Dropbox, then this can be a good place to start reclaiming space — particularly if you’re often recording in 4K!

For more tips on reclaiming space on your Android phone, see our guide: How to increase storage space on Android phones.

Thanks for checking out the article, and if you use this new feature let us know what you thought in the comments below!