Introducing the Quick Selfie Pole

Quick Selfie Pole with Shutter Button for iPhone    Quick Selfie Pole with Shutter Button for iPhone

Selfies are in this year, and with nearly everyone joining in on the trend, competition is fierce. In order to reach your full selfie potential, you’ll need a quick finger, a good sense of timing and of course some interesting scenes to photograph. There are also some helpful gadgets to give you a leg up – including the star of this blog post, the Quick Selfie Pole!

The Selfie Pole is simple: stick your phone to the end of a pole, hold it away from you, and take a nice full-frame selfie that can fit in more of your friends and your surroundings.

Of course, you might wonder: how do you actually take the photo, with your phone so far away? The Selfie Pole solves this with an included shutter button and a Bluetooth connection, letting you take a picture from afar. It’s quite a clever affair.

Quick Selfie Pole with Shutter Button for iPhone    Quick Selfie Pole with Shutter Button for iPhone

Of course, you don’t want to carry a pole with you all the time, so the Quick Selfie Pole folds down from 90cm to less than 25cm, making it easy to keep with you.  There are seven flex sections, so finding the perfect length is easy. The pole weighs  less than most phones too, at just 160 grams, so it really is portable.

The Quick Selfie Pole with Shutter Button is available for iPhone and Android devices. For more details and to place your pre-order, visit the product pages linked below:

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