Experience VR on your iPhone with the VR Case

Virtual reality is here. After years of bulky tethered prototypes, VR headsets are finally portable, inexpensive and stunning. A lot of this is due to the smartphone revolution; who needs a dedicated VR display if your phone’s high-resolution screen will do just as well? That’s the idea behind the VR Case, a lightweight cover that turns your iPhone into a virtual reality platform.

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House of Discards #2: Pixie Crew iPhone case

The first digital image was created in 1957, and measured 176 x 176 pixels. Even at this limited resolution, it was ground-breaking: a way to display real world images on a computer screen. Pixel counts grew rapidly, particularly in home computers and video game consoles of the 70s, 80s and 90s, as artists raced towards a photorealistic ideal. But low fidelity, carefully crafted pixelated images were not forgotten — they were fondly remembered in retro games like Mario and Pokémon, and created anew by indie developers in games like Minecraft. Today, we’re looking at a case that celebrates that heritage, by the Pixie Crew.

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These guys made their own iPhone 6 SE

When the iPhone SE was still naught but a rumour, opinions were divided on the phone’s design. Would it look like the boxy iPhone 5, Apple’s previous four inch phone, or would it be a pint-sized version of the curvier iPhone 6? Ultimately, we ended up with the former, a straight-edged iPhone with only a few small tweaks inspired by the iPhone 6. Not everyone was happy with that answer though, and this week ComputerBild unveiled an alternative, a custom-built iPhone they’re calling the iPhone 6 SE.

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