Twinkly Smart Christmas Tree Lights 2022

If you are looking to boost your Christmas cheer, then look no further than a set of Twinkly lights. These smart Christmas tree lights will make your decorations unique, and allow you to effortlessly control your Christmas lights.

Why do Christmas lights need to be smart

Now there are many reasons why you might want your Christmas lights to be smart, one of them is that you can set them to turn on and off with a schedule, and while you can do that with a traditional timer your lights will usually not turn on in the mode you want them in.

This means your lights end up flashing like mad when you actually want them to just be on all the time.

twinkly smart christmas tree lights

Now as these lights are smart you can easily map them out on your tree using your smartphone camera and put some incredible effects on.

These will certainly boost the look of your Christmas decorations, you can also create your own effects and make the colours as bright or dull as you want to suit your decorations.

twinkly smart christmas tree lights

250 LEDs

400 LEDs

600 LEDs

I hope this helps you understand a bit more about the Twinkly lights, make sure you check out the rest of their range on theĀ Mobile Fun store.