Is your old iPod worth thousands of pounds?

Ipod, Nano, Apple, Headphones, Audio, Click Wheel

Do you have an old iPod tucked away in a draw somewhere? If so, you could be in for a bit of a windfall, as 1st gen iPods are currently selling for thousands of pounds on eBay.

In part generated by Apple’s announcement in 2014 that they will no longer be manufacturing the iPod Classic – the demand for these devices has skyrocketed. And as we all know – when demand is high and supply is low, prices naturally increase.

A set of three 1st gen iPods – one 5 GB, one 10 GB, one 20 GB – has just gone on sale on eBay for a staggering $50,000, a sum that was preceeded in 2014 by a factory-sealed U2 iPod which sold for a mindblowing $90,000.


The older models are the most sought after. And if they’re in their original packaging – like most collectibles – that just ramps the price up even higher.

So a device that was originally purchased for £2-300 could now be worth a great deal more.


The demand for these older devices is not only driven by Apple Fanboys/girls keen to get their hands on a piece of iconic technology, but by the practicality these older devices offer – with their bigger storage (“1000’s of songs in your pocket”) and better battery.

Even relatively new iPod gens are currently selling for upwards of $500 on eBay.

And its predicted, that much like the iPod Classic, when Apple discontinue its other iPod devices their prices will start to gain in value. Whether they’ll meet the dizzying heights of the iPod Classic however is yet to be seen… but who knows with the returns you get on ISAs these days, perhaps investing in iconic tech might be the way forward!

Before you start rushing off to ransack the attic however, it’s worth having a look through this Apple Guide so you know exactly which iPod model you own and whether it’s worth hundreds or thousands…



Original Source: The Independent


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