Our top 5 Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge unboxing videos


Our top 5 Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge unboxing videos…



For sheer effort, we have to kick things off with this unboxing video from T- Mobile.

Taken underwater, the intrepid AskDes dons a wetsuit and T-Mobile pink snorkel to really test the Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge’s waterproof feature, it’s completely incoherent but handily subtitled.


Droid Life

Kellex, Editor-in-Chief for Droid Life gives a high-level run-through of the Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge. A serious unboxing video for those who want to really get under the skin of the S7 / S7 Edge.


Flossy Carter

Telling it like it is (although playing a little fast and loose with that Batman knife for my liking), this unboxing video from Flossy Carter runs through everything from the box presentation to the specs and functionality.


Jonathan Morrison

Jonathan Morrison unboxes, answers your practical questions and sums-up how the S7 Edge weighs-up 48hrs later. My personal highlight: the water gun test.


Familie Heins

If like me you don’t speak a word of German (presuming), you’ll have no idea what this lady is saying (hopefully nothing too rude) but plenty of fun trying to guess. A weirdly compelling international boxing video from Oma Charlotte.


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