Pick up 2GB of Google Drive space for free today

sc_syaf_x2-207a5238782ed280df5e6d6d6ead3974After months of waiting, it’s finally here: Safer Internet Day! Google is celebrating our beloved online-safety-based holiday as it did last year, offering 2GB of space on Google Drive for users that double-check their account security settings.

You’ll be asked to confirm your backup email address and contact numbers are accurate, and that you recognise all devices and apps authorised to access your account. The process takes only a minute or two, so if you use Google Drive then it seems worthwhile.

Click here to go through the checkup, and you’ll be duly awarded your extra space at the end of the process. The extra 2GB is good for the life of your account, and can be claimed even if you went through the process last year. You can see how much space you currently have on Google’s Drive storage page; hover over the pie chart to see where your storage has come from.

To find out more about the most exciting February holiday — better even than the Superb Owl, Lunar New Year and my birthday, natch — please take a look at the official website. All jokes aside, taking a few minutes to review your security settings and be safer online is a pretty worthwhile pursuit.