Verge: “These are the first iPhones that are better in cases.”

Man&Wood iPhone 6 Wooden Case - Sai Sai

It’s always been good form to use a case to protect your phone, but experts on The Verge are going one step further for the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus models. Speaking on their Vergecast podcast, editors Nilay Patel, David Pierce and Dieter Bohn agreed that getting an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus case was absolutely essential.

Patel said on the podcast that both he and Pierce had independently written in their reviews of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus that “these are the best iPhones that are better in cases.” Patel’s iPhone 6 Plus review states that a case “makes the phone easier to hold, evens out that camera bump, and hides the weird lines of the back.”

Pierce’s iPhone 6 review also suggests the same, stating that “this iPhone begs to have a case on it… it helps obscure the unsightly plastic strips, it makes the otherwise slick phone a little easier to grip, and it compensates for the awkwardly protruding camera lens on the back, which prevents the phone from sitting flat on a table. I’m worried I’m going to scratch the lens, and I’m annoyed that the phone wobbles. A case solves both problems.”

With the larger bulk of the phone, the easily scratched exterior and the unfortunate elements – protruding camera and plastic strips – it’s clear to see why a case makes a lot of sense, even for people that haven’t considered one before. I’ve certainly got a case on my iPhone 6 Plus, even though I haven’t used cases extensively for the Android phones I’ve used beforehand.

Whether you’re going for a super-protective tough iPhone 6 case or a lightweight iPhone 6 Plus cover, protecting your iPhone just makes sense. Are you going to be using a case on your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus? Let me know in the comments below, or speak to us on Twitter @mobilefun. Thanks for checking out the article and have a good – and safe – week ahead!