Nokia Lumia 800 Sim Free In Stock Now!

The first real Windows Phone, the Nokia Lumia 800, is now available sim-free from Mobile Fun. The phone uses the clever, critically-acclaimed design of the Nokia N9 and fuses it with the future-facing Windows Phone OS.

The edge-to-edge glass design of the sim-free Nokia Lumia 800 includes a 3.7″ AMOLED screen at 480 x 800, a speedy 1.4 GHz processor and 16 GB of internal storage. There’s even a dedicated camera button, a new addition from the N9, which meshes well with the high quality Carl Zeiss camera. The chassis of the handset is a joy to hold, and is a fitting evolution of the N9 line.

The Lumia 800 comes with the latest version of Windows Phone 7.5, Mango, and will be soon upgraded to 7.6, Tango. It’s been a good first year for Microsoft’s mobile operating system, with the 40,000 app milestone being reached recently. That’s still a fraction of the size of the Android and Apple app marketplaces, but Windows Phone is growing at a much faster rate, achieving a higher number of apps in its first year than both of its competitors. With Microsoft’s financial staying power, expect that trend to continue.

As well as stocking the Nokia Lumia 800 sim-free, we’ve also got a wide range of Nokia Lumia 800 accessories, including Nokia Lumia 800 cases and Nokia Lumia 800 covers. If you’re looking to pick up this awesome Windows Phone, you’ll be well covered.

For more information, check out the official unlocked Nokia Lumia 800 product page.

What do you think of the handset? Why not let us know on Twitter, Facebook or even Google Plus?

Until next time, this is Will signing off.