A buyer’s guide to Bluetooth headsets

Plantronics Voyager 5200 UC Bluetooth Headset System

Bluetooth headsets are single earpieces, designed to offer a convenient way of taking calls without distracting you from the world around you and whatever tasks you need to accomplish. Here’s what you need to know about buying a Bluetooth headset of your very own!

Weight & comfort

Depending on the form factor and the material used, Bluetooth headsets can vary considerably in weight. The lightest can weigh just five grams, ensuring they rest comfortably in your ear without distracting you. However, smaller headsets can result in lowered battery life, so finding a balance that works for you is key. Sleeker shapes tend to result in weight savings, while a range of ear tips can allow for a more comfortable fit. Research each option carefully, and be prepared to send back a headset if it doesn’t prove to be a comfortable fit!

Music & calls

While Bluetooth headsets are primarily designed for calls, you can also find some models that are compatible with music as well. If you need to hear what’s going on but you’d still like to listen to your favourite album or a podcast, then these can be a great choice. Bluetooth headsets can also be useful for listening to GPS directions while you’re driving, but be sure to check your local laws allow for their use!

Noise reduction

One of the most important features you’ll find on a Bluetooth headset is noise reduction. This allows for to hear callers without interference, while reduction on the microphone end will ensure you come across clearly as well.

Sony Bluetooth Headset Mono MBH20 - Black

Range & connectivity

Not all Bluetooth headsets are created equal when it comes to connectivity — some will offer a longer range thanks to a better antenna design and the use of a more recent version of Bluetooth. You will also find that some models can connect to multiple sources (e.g. smartphones, tablets, computers) simultaneously, ensuring you don’t miss an alert no matter which device it appears on.

Wrapping up

I hope you found this buyer’s guide useful! If you have any questions, please feel free to share them in the comments below. Thanks for reading and we’ll catch you on the next one!

See all Bluetooth headsets here >