Try on a Gear S2 with Samsung’s new app


Samsung’s Gear S2 smartwatch is one of the best-received Android Wear devices ever, but it’s still hard to get your hands on one. Thankfully, Samsung have just released an interesting new app that simulates the experience of wearing one, even up to the point of showing a full virtual model on your wrist. Let’s take a closer look!


The Gear S2 Experience app is essentially a glossy brochure for the new watch, letting you see how it looks in various colours and configurations. You can also try using the bezel, which promises to be a intuitive way of scrolling through lists, zooming in and out and even selecting which app to run. There are various other apps and interface options to try out too.

The coolest part though is definitely the Try On feature, which lets you virtually try on the different models and see how they look on your wrist. It’s a surprisingly effective simulacrum, and definitely the next-best thing if you can’t get out to a store or try a friend’s watch. You can customise your S2 to your liking, then share a photo of the final look on your social media.


The Gear S2 Experience app is available for free via the Play Store on Android phones now. See the Galaxy Gear S2 and our full range of smartwatches via the button below, and let us know what you think in the comments too.

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