Samsung announces special edition Iron Man Galaxy S6 Edge


Samsung announced one of the coolest looking phones ever this week… an Avengers-branded Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. The phone has been created in the likeness of Iron Man, with a beautiful red and gold colour scheme and his armoured helm’s visage on the back cover.

The phone comes with a special Avengers colour theme which allows the software to look on-point too. Even better, it comes with a Wireless Charging Pad that looks like Tony Stark’s Arc Reactor from the movies. How frickin’ cool is that?

The special-edition handsetĀ is sadly only available in three regionsĀ – South Korea, Hong Kong and China. Still, I’m sure you could find one on eBay or TaoBao if you’re willing to pay up for it, and I’m sure there are some Marvel fanboys or fangirls that would. I don’t even particularly want a Galaxy S6 Edge, and I’m still majorly tempted by this flashy paintjob!


If you’d prefer to just buy a case for your phone instead of getting a whole new handset, then we applaud your thriftiness… and we’d like to direct you to our line of Avengers cases for the Galaxy S6. There are four options available – Thor, Captain America, The Hulk and Iron Man – as well as a cool Wireless Charging Pad in the shape of Captain America’s iconic shield. Awesome.

So what do you think? Let us know in the comments below, or write to us on Twitter @mobilefun!