Keep your ears warm and tunes going with these cute earmuff headphones

Want some headphones that’ll also keep your ears warm this winter? Check out our selection of earmuff headphones, available now in 9 different varieties at Mobile Fun!

KitSound Audio Earmuff Headphones – PenguinLadybirdMouseOwlBrownStripes

KitSound Audio Earmuff Headphones - Brown        KitSound Audio Earmuff Headphones - Ladybird

KitSound produce the bulk of our earmuff headphones, with a selection of six beautifully knitted designs. Each set of headphones will deliver crisp sound from your phone or MP3 player, while keeping your ears nice and toasty in cold weather. The advanced 40mm drivers embedded within a powerful and clear, with distortion-free bass, clear mids and crisp highs. A selection of animal-themed varieties are available, with the possible exception of ‘brown’ and ‘stripes’.

Audio Earmuff Headphones – Black SnowflakeStripesPink Snowflake


Audio Earmuff Headphones - Black Snowflake    Audio Earmuff Headphones - Stripes

We also have some non-branded earmuff headphones that follow much the same idea. You get a pair of stereo headphones, embedded inside a pleasantly fluffy oversized earmuff. They attach to your smartphone, tablet or MP3 player via the standard 3.5mm connector, with an inline remote that lets you control your tunes. If you’d prefer to use them just as earmuffs, you can easily remove the cable.

These come in three varieties featuring embroidered geometric patterns, with white and grey fluffy frames and nicely coloured headbands too. This collection is available for £15, and all three models are in stock right now.


Thanks for checking out these cute earmuff headphones! For more information, please visit the product pages linked above or write to us on Twitter @mobilefun.