Juiceful – 3 useful gadgets on your keyring


Phones and computers are great, but they can require an awful lot of bits and bobs to make them work properly. Particularly if you’re on the go, there’s not always room to take each dongle and whatsit with you. That’s why we created the Juiceful. It’s a tiny gadget that you keep on your keychain, providing you with a charging cable for your phone, a 1000 mAh emergency battery and a 16 GB USB flash drive.

There are three different varieties available which charge different phones:

So let’s go into a little more detail on each of those features. So first, the battery – probably the most useful feature day to day. The battery has a capacity of 1000 mAh, which means it’ll charge most phones about half-way, enough for you to get away with missing a charge at night or for when you really need to make a call in an emergency. The battery is automatically charged when you use the power cable, so you’ll find keeping it topped up is pretty easy too.

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Lightning adapter shown, Micro USB and Apple 30 Pin also available

So – the power cable. This is also really handy, because it means you never have to remember to pack one separately. It also means that if you like to leave your iPhone cable plugged in on your nightstand or at work, you don’t have to keep unplugging it to take with you. Of course, you can also make a few friends from having a spare phone cable handy – so there’s that.

Finally is the USB drive. 16 GB is enough to store a downloaded film or a whole lot of music and word documents, and it’s always handy to have a USB drive if you need to get files between one computer and another. You could also pair it with a USB OTG adapter for to transfer files onto your Android phone or tablet, which is handy.

All in all, it’s a strong gadget that packs three useful functions onto your keychain – well worth it. For more info, check out the product pages linked here:

Thanks for checking out the article and have a good weekend folks! We’ll see you on the flipside, and all that.