iPhone 5 Battery Case and Stand triples your iPhone 5 battery life

If the Power Jacket, which gave your iPhone 5 an extra 2,000 mAh of battery power, just wasn’t enough for you then listen to this.

We have a new iPhone 5 Battery Case provides an extra 3,000 mAh of battery power in a similar form factor, more than tripling the amount of battery power at your disposal. That means you’ll get a full 24 hours of talk time, based on Apple’s estimates. Of course, talk time isn’t the only thing to go up – you’ll notice massive battery life increases across the board, whether you’re playing games, surfing the web or watching YouTube.

Of course, having all that extra charge at your disposal is one thing, but that added weight and bulk is also put to good use to protect your phone. The rear and corners of the iPhone 5 are well protected, providing good resistance to scratching and minor impacts as well.

The case also includes another helpful feature – a built-in stand. This uses the very same cladding around the corners of the iPhone to form a long and stable stand, which works well in both landscape and portrait orientations.

Finally, the iPhone 5 Battery Case and Stand also charges via micro USB. While this can be an annoyance if you’ve only got Lightning iPhone 5 accessories about, if you’re like me and have loads of micro USB cables and connectors anyway then it’s a nice way of fitting an iPhone 5 into the rather larger accessory ecosystem of Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone.

So if you want to really extend the life of your iPhone 5, whether you’re away from a power point for a long period or you just don’t want the hassle of frequent recharging, then check out the iPhone 5 Battery Case and Stand.

Check the link below for additional photographs and other information, as well as availability data. As of writing, these cases will be back in stock after Christmas, but as always the most up-to-date information will be available via the link below.

Thanks for reading the article and I hope you’re having a fine holiday season.