Samsung release TecTiles NFC Tags Infographic

Samsung have released a rather cool infographic in support of their NFC tags, which they’re calling TecTiles.

The basic idea is that whenever you touch one of the tiles with your phone, it’ll perform a set of actions – stuff like turning on and off Bluetooth, sending a text message or connecting to a wireless network. It’s clever stuff, but it’s not always obvious to see what kind of things you could use it for. That’s where this graphic steps in, with some real useful scenarios for TecTiles.

If you’ve got an NFC-enabled phone (like the Galaxy Nexus, HTC One X or Galaxy S III) then take a look below! You can click on the image to see it at full resolution (1300 x 1044).

So what do you think? I think it’s pretty neat, and I’m definitely going to be picking some up to use with my Samsung Galaxy Nexus once they’re released. When I think to all the time I spend each day turning on an off Wi-Fi as I enter and leave my house and the valuable minutes at the end of the day I waste setting alarms and turning off notifications, it really makes a lot of sense.

Write your own usage scenarios in the comments below!