Sony SmartTags work with any Android phone

We’ve had a lot of questions recently about our Sony SmartTags.

These NFC-enabled tags are used to quickly change your phone’s settings whenever you touch your phone to them. That’s real useful for saving battery life and ensuring your phone is set up correctly.

They come in a pack of four, so you might have one tag on your night stand, one tag in your car, one tag on your desk at the office and one back at home on the coffee table. When you go to bed at night, tap the tag on your night stand to turn off wireless and turn on a clock app. When you get up and get into your car to go to work, Bluetooth and GPS come on and a navigation app starts. At the office, GPS turns off and wireless turns on – and your phone is set to vibrate too. It’s the same deal when you get back in the car, and then finally when you get home you’ll get wireless back on and GPS back off.

Imagine doing that by hand – you’d be forever in settings menus and the like, if you remembered at all! With SmartTags though, it’s just a tap to the tag and everything is done behind the scenes for you.

Even though these tags are made by Sony, they’re compatible with any Android phone that has NFC compatibility – a quickly growing list that includes the HTC One X, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S, the Motorola Droid Razr.

So if you want to start saving time and effort with NFC, you don’t have to rush out and get a new Sony phone. In fact, many BlackBerry phones come with NFC too – so these tags could work with them too if an app is available.

Any other questions? Let us know in the comments below!