Stop those pesky aliens with the appBlaster gun

There’s aliens trying to attack Earth and there’s only one person who can stop them…. you!  Use your appBlaster gun and your iPhone to fend off the aliens, by stopping them in their tracks.

Combining augmented reality and a fun game from the appstore, the appBlaster lets you track down and shoot aliens who appear to be invading your home and the entire planet  – don’t let us down!

The appBlaster gun is lightweight and comes with a shoulder stock, meaning you can comfortably play for hours and make sure every one of those aliens is sent back to there home planet.  There’s two triggers on the gun too, a rear trigger which fires lasers and a front trigger which fires missiles, so there’s no excuses for missing the aliens.

appBlaster gun

Here’s the clever augmented reality bit: the appBlaster app uses the rear facing camera of your iPhone to overlay the game against your environment – transforming your iPhone into a high-tech sight complete with cross hairs and game data.  This makes the game completely feel like it’s happening all around you, bringing the invasion closer to home.  This is definitely one of the best iPhone accessories for gaming fans.

The augmentation is teamed with your iPhone’s accelerometer, making the game play at the same speed as you – if you turn fast, so will the aliens, but if you move slower, the game will slow down too.  Even re-loading your gun is incorporated into the game, as you have to point your gun to the sky then bring it back down to re-load; all before those pesky aliens attack even more.

Playing with the appBlaster can lead to hours of fun and you can even play to the Mission Impossible theme like in this video