Mobile Fun Now Ship (Really) Internationally!

Credit: NASA

We get a lot of messages over email and social media asking if we ship internationally.

Today, we’re happy to announce that we now ship to over fifty countries all over the world, including all of the EU as well as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Turkey and the United States.

For the full list of countries we ship to, please visit our dedicated ‘Where we deliver‘ page.

It’s also worth mentioning that we’ve got fully localised websites for France, Germany and Spain:

We’re glad to have extended our global reach, as part of our well documented plan for world domination.

If you’d like to talk to us about these incredibly sinister plans, which may involve laser-equipped sharks, please let us know via the normal social media channels, or leave a comment below. Thanks!

One thought on “Mobile Fun Now Ship (Really) Internationally!

  1. Fool! The laser sharks were our little secret and now you’ve told everyone about them.

    Report to my office in our underground lair immediately and we can discuss your mistakes with Number 2.

    Our organisation does not tolerate failure, Mr Judd.

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