Quick Look: Kindle Lights

E-books seem to be taking off now that e-Readers like the Kindle are becoming more affordable, easier to get hold of and easier to use. For the most part, reading from a Kindle is the same as reading from a book – just with slightly slower page turns and with no chance of losing your place when the book slips out of your hands as you nod off!

Kindles do suffer the same downsides as paper books though – particularly reading at night or in reduced light. To keep the eye strain down to a minimum, the e-ink displays aren’t backlit, so the only way to read in the dark is by using a Kindle light.

There are a few Kindle reading lights available – most will work with all makes of eReader, but to give you an overview on what’s available from Mobile Fun, here’s a quick look at 3 of our most popular Kindle Reading Lights.

M-Edge e-Luminator Kindle Booklight – White

The M-Edge Kindle Light is a slimline light that is designed to be used an M-Edge Kindle Case. They have a plastic tab that slides into a pocket that’s built into most of their cases, allowing the light to be held securely in place. When not in use, the light folds down to sit along the edge of your Kindle. It runs of a standard AAA battery and can last for over 20 hours. It has a flexible, adjustable neck and 3 light settings so finding the perfect setting should be pretty easy.

M-Edge e-Luminator Kindle Booklight - White

M-Edge e-Luminator Kindle Booklight - White

XtraFlex2 Kindle Reading Light – Silver

The next two reading lights are pretty similar, but have a few subtle differences. Unlike the M-Edge one, these lights are both designed to clip on to your Kindle or Kindle Case. They have soft, rubber lined jaws that won’t cause any damage to either the case or Kindle housing.

The XtraFlex 2 Kindle light has two bright LED lamps that can be turned on/off individually – most people find that just one LED is more than enough to cover the whole of the screen of your Kindle. It has a sturdy but flexible neck that can be positioned to suit and prevent any glare. XtraFlex Kindle lights are available in either Black or Silver and are powered by 3 AAA batteries (included with the light).

XtraFlex2 Kindle Reading Light - Silver

XtraFlex2 Kindle Reading Light - Silver

Omnilight Clip-On Reading Light for Amazon Kindle

The Omnilight is very similar to the XtraFlex2, but only has one LED light and it doesn’t include the batteries. It clips to either your device or case and covers your Kindle with a soft, gentle light that’s perfect for reading. The Omnilight is also available as part of the Kindle Gift Pack, which includes a Kindle Case, Kindle Cover, 5 Screen Protectors and a car charger. Find out more about the Kindle Gift Pack.

Omnilight Clip-On Reading Light for Amazon Kindle

Omnilight Clip-On Reading Light for Amazon Kindle

To see the full range of Kindle Lights and other Kindle Accessories, head over to the main Mobile Fun site.