How to Recycle your old Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are almost a throw away item these days, with most of us upgrading our handsets every 12-18 months, if not sooner.  If you’re like me, chances are you don’t want to let your old phone go, and hang on to it “just in case” you ever need a spare.

In reality though, your old handset that used to be your pride and joy is probably still sitting at the back of a drawer gathering dust and is never likely to make a call or send a text ever again.  If you do ever dig it out, chances are you’ll go to do something on it that it can’t do and just throw it back in the drawer.

Well, here’s another thing you can do with it – Recycle it!  Not only is recycling your handset better for the environment, but it can also be good on your pocket to, as you can actually get cash back when you send your old phone in for recycling.

Mobile phones should never be thrown in your normal household rubbish as the components in them take such a long time to break down, but knowing where to send them can be a bit tricky.  For that reason, Mobile Fun are proud to announce that we have just launced a Mobile Phone Recycling Service.  It’s completely free and is as easy as filling in a form and posting your phone to us – not only that, it pays you to do it!

To give you an idea on the money that you could get back, here’s a few examples of the cash back available on some of the popular phones that might be heading towards retirement.

LG Viewty KU990

LG Viewty KU990

LG KU990 Viewty

The LG Viewty has been out for around 2 years now and is still going strong, despite recently been renamed the Viewty Lite in order to make way for its replacement.

If you have the original Viewty, sending it in for recycling could get you upto £35.02 which you can then put towards the new LG Viewty Smart.

Nokia 6300 Silver
Nokia 6300 Silver

Nokia 6300 Silver

The Nokia 6300 is still an incredibly popular handset. It looks great and is really simple to use.  Nokia know this style of handset will always be popular, that’s why when they recently launched the Nokia 6700 Classic as it’s successor, they made very few changes to how the phone looks and feels, they just made it better.

Sending this phone in for recycling could earn you upto £38.54.

Sony Ericsson K850
Sony Ericsson K850

Sony Ericsson K850

The K850 was a great phone. It had a 5MP Camera with Xenon Flash which also made it a great camera. Camera technology has moved on considerably over the last couple of years since this phone came out, and its replacement, the Sony Ericsson C905 has all the features you could wish for 8MP Camera , Smile detection, Face detection and smart contrast to give you exceptional photos.

Send your old K850 in for recycling and you could get up to £39.60 back towards your next phone.

Nokia N95

Nokia N95

Nokia N95

Another massively popular handset from Nokia. You may not realise it, but this handset has been superseded three times now – first by the Nokia N95 8GB, then the Nokia N96 and this month saw the release of Nokia’s latest flagship device, the Nokia N97.

Send your Nokia N95 in for recycling and you could get up to £95.06 to spend on what ever you like.  Not a bad return – especially if you got the phone free with your contract!

These are just examples of what you could get back for your old phones and the values may change after writing this post, but if you’ve got a drawer full of old phones, maybe it’s time you said your goodbyes and sent them off for recycling!

For more information on how the service works or to send your phone in to be recycled, head over to our Mobile Phone Recycling site.