The Twelve South ParcSlope makes for a perfect iPad Pro stand

The iPad Pro is the ultimate tablet for drawing and writing, but it’s a bit bulky to hold onto with one hand and draw with another. Putting it flat on your desk is a bit awkward as well, so ideally we’d be using a desk stand. Today, we’d like to introduce you to one of the best iPad Pro stands we’ve seen so far: Twelve South’s ParcSlope.

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Twelve South SurfacePad luxury leather case for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Twelve South are well known for producing some of the best premium cases in the world, and today we’re unveiling their latest efforts. Let me introduce you to the SurfacePad Luxury Leather Case for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The SurfacePad is a folio case made from genuine Napa leather. The elegant design adds only 4 millimetres and 28 […]

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