PSA: Android Pay Day starts today in the UK!

Heads up, Android people! If you haven’t yet tried Android Pay for making contactless payments in the UK, then today could be a good day to do so. Google kicked off a new promotion called ‘Android Pay Day’, offering discounts and free drinks from some pretty big names. Check it out!


Android Pay Day’s inaugural edition includes discounts from Starbucks and Deliveroo. From Starbucks, you can get two for one Frappucinos (not bad for a warmish day like today).

For Deliveroo, you can get a £5 voucher if you’re a new user (using code ANDROIDPAY5) or a £2.5 voucher if you’re an existing Deliveroo user (using code ANDROIDPAY2.5, go figure). There’s a minimum spend of £15, plus the Deliveroo fee of £2.5, so you won’t be able to get something for free, sadly.


You’ll need to pay using Android Pay in each instance to receive the promotion, as you’d expect. To get started, download the Android Pay app from the Google Play Store. You’ll need a phone with NFC running Android 4.4 or later, which includes most mid or high-end phones released in the past couple of years (sorry, OnePlus 2 owners).

Android Pay Day will return each month, on the Tuesday before pay day. You can find out more about the Android Pay Day promotion at Google’s official site. Whether or not you fancy the promotions this time around, it might be worthwhile to check out the site each month to see what will be available!

What do you think of the deals — do they make you want to install Android Pay, or is it not enough? Let us know in the comments below.

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