Wearable alert! Cat Collar turns meows into human speech.


While some of us might be terrified about the prospect of our cat talking and what it might say, others are enthused by the idea, so much so that London agency adam&eveDDB has developed a cat collar that translates meows into human speak.

Looking at the collar however – I can only imagine the first few words after you strap this behemoth onto your feline’s neck will be of the four letter variety!


The Catterbox, modeled by the slightly startled kitty above, is a 3D printed device that’s coated in rubber lacquer – and “available in four different finishes”.

Because the device isn’t (and somewhat thankfully) hardwired into your cat’s brain it’s not 100% accurate. However the creators believe it’ll give cat owners a clearer insight into whether your feline is hungry, tired, lonely or requiring that all important bathroom break.

Global brand director Pete Simmons says: “Through research, we learned that an adult cat’s meow is their way to communicate with humans and, by investing in this prototype device, we can start to improve understanding between them both—giving cats a voice for the very first time.”


And although this may all seem good intentioned and quite fun, the real question is: would we be willing to wear a wearable ourselves that meowed every time we spoke?

Personally I’d say no, and not just for professional reasons, it would drive me INSANE! So just think what it could do vice-versa to our less than patient feline friends!

