Genius for Android now shows lyrics on demand for any music app


“Excuse me, while I kiss this guy!”

These aren’t the real lyrics to Jimi Hendrix’s Purple Haze, but that hasn’t stopped the phrase from entering the popular consciousness. If everyone was running the new version of Genius for Android though, things would be different. The app is now capable of showing lyrics for any song playing on your device, regardless of what app is actually producing the music.

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That means that no matter if you’re on YouTube, Google Music, Apple Music, Spotify or some other service, you can still find out that it’s actually “while I kiss the sky!” The Genius notification will appear once music has begun playing, and from there you can open the full set of lyrics. Genius made its name through its annotations to lyrics — explaining references and providing background information — and of course you can look forward to that as well.

The new update makes it much easier to follow along with the lyrics in a language you’re not as familiar with — Rammstein has never been easier to understand! It’s also good for settling pub arguments, preparing for karaoke and many other things. The app even provides lyrics to music that’s being played outside your phone, which is pretty damn handy.

What do you think? Try out the new update and let us know how it goes in the comments below. There’s no indication when similar capabilities will come to the iOS version of the Genius app, but let’s hope it’s not too far off.

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