STAR WARS: New Gadgets Unleashed

A short time ago in a galaxy called…


It is a period of excitement, as the days tick down to the premiere of Episode VII. DISNEY has begun to release a flurry of Star Wars branded merchandise, providing eager fans with new toys. Today, these gadgets have arrived on the shelves of Mobile Fun.

Imperial probe droids have discovered a range of flash drive keyrings, in the shape of four popular characters: Darth Vader, a Stormtrooper, Yoda and R2-D2. Each model stands a few inches tall, yet contains 8GB of storage space – more than enough to hide the secret plans for the Empire’s new battlestation.

This is the drive you’re looking for, and it’s in stock now at Mobile Fun. To learn more and look at these figures with your own eyes, use the mouse Luke, and click here….