Five HTC One screen protector recommendations

While Samsung’s Galaxy S4 has achieved more sales, few Android enthusiasts would argue it’s a better phone than the HTC One. Since we devote so much of our blog coverage to the S4, it’s time to start redressing that. Here then, are our recommendations for the top five HTC One screen protectors.

5. MFX Screen Protector 5-in-1 Pack 

We start with our budget option, the MFX Screen Protector 5-in-1 Pack. These are perfectly fitted to match the HTC One’s 4.7-inch screen and will resist scratches and other damage. There aren’t any other features here, but if you just want to cover the basics then this is the most cost-effective way to do it.

4. Crystalusion Liquid Glass Screen Protection

Here’s a weird one – this is a liquid screen protector that you can apply to pretty much any device, including the HTC One. Using a pretreated cloth, you apply it to the screen of your device and then enjoy its protective benefits. It’s ultra-thin and bubble-free, too. If you want to try something a bit different, Crystalusion is just the thing.

3. Official HTC One Screen Protector

If you prefer to stick to brand names, how about HTC themselves? They produce this official HTC One screen protector, which adds scratch and scuff resistance to the screen of your device. While it’s still inexpensive, you get only the one screen protector here so you’ll need to concentrate when applying it!

2. Invisible SHIELD Full Body Protector for HTC One

Screen protectors are great, but what if you want to protect the whole chassis of your phone from scratches, and not just the screen? Enter the InvisibleSHIELD Full Body Protector for the HTC One, which works just like a screen protector but for the entire phone. This provides good scratch and scuff protection without the bulk of a traditional HTC One case.

1. Spigen SGP HTC One GLAS.tR SLIM Tempered Glass Screen Protector

We end our top 5 list today with this tempered glass screen protector. It’s surprisingly thin for being made of glass, and provides incredible protection against scratches. Even impacts that would normally shatter your screen are resisted by this powerful accessory. With an easy installation process and no bubbles, you really get what you pay for here.


So there we have it – five recommendations for anyone with the HTC One. Thanks so much for reading the article and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below!