Introducing the KleverCase – the iPad 2 or Kindle case which disguises your gadget as a book

Do you remember when you used to sit in school hiding a comic book behind your text book, so everyone thought you were studying?  Well Klevercase have come up with a new set of Kindle cases and iPad 2 cases which disguise your gadgets as historical works of fiction.

This means that passers by think you’re reading ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by William Shakespeare or ‘Dracula’ by Bram Stoker when actually you’re reading your Kindle of playing on your iPad 2.

iPad 2 KleverCase

The Klevercase range are hand crafted using original book binding techniques to add character to your eReaders and Tablets, as well as providing excellent protection from scratches, scrapes and minor impacts.

They contain precision moulded interiors to add extra protection and hold your Kindle or iPad 2 in place; as well as original antique book designs to add personality and disguise your gadgets.

The cover of the Klevercase book folds back into a handy stand, meaning you can use your Kindle or iPad 2 at more than one angle for comfortable viewing; all whilst disguised as a book.

They’re excellent, quirky yet protective items, but as always, an iPad 2 screen protector or a Kindle screen protector is advised for full protection.

Kindle KleverCase