Introducing iCoat Wardrobes for iPhone 4

No, they’re not little cupboards to hang all your iPhone accessories in! iCoat Wardrobes are a range of coloured covers for your iPhone and are available is softer pastel shades for her and bolder, brighter colours for him – although there’s no rules to say who can or can’t use them.

iCoat Wardrobe For iPhone 4 - For Him

iCoat Wardrobe For iPhone 4 - For Him

The iCoat Wardrobe for Him includes iPhone Covers in Black, Blue, Red, Yellow and Beige while the iCoat Wardrobe for Her includes White, Gold, Pink, Purple and Crimson iPhone Covers, so finding a cover to go with your outfit really shouldn’t be a problem!

iCoat Wardrobe for iPhone 4 - For Her

iCoat Wardrobe for iPhone 4 - For Her

Each iPhone 4 cover clips firmly onto your phone and protects the back and sides against knocks, bumps and scratches, as well as preventing any signal issues you may get by touching the antenna.

To keep your screen as pristine as the back cover of your iPhone, a crystal clear iPhone 4 Screen Protector is also included.

iCoat Wardrobes are available now, head over to their product pages by clicking on the images above if you want more details.